Join us on Tuesday, March 5 for a program with Sakura Takano from Rotary Charities. This organization provides financial resources to changemakers investing 68 million in the 5-county region since 1977.
Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) presentation by Bill Donberg.
There are roughly three weeks left to make your $100.00 membership pledge to Rotary International. June 30 is the deadline, but don't wait! Your pledge enables our club to apply for grants.
Upcoming Meetings
June 11- Board of Directors Meeting at 8:15 a.m.
June 18- Tour of The Dexter Hotel-Food and beverages sponsored by the hotel. Please register for this 5:00 p.m. event.
June 25- Evening Social at John and Barbara Matthews home at 323 Green Acres. 5:00-8:00. Provide your beverage of choice and a side to accompany the main dish of pork loin. Installation of Officers will take place. Please register.
July 2- Olivia Williams will present information regarding her trip to El Salvador. Deana Jerdee will provide an update on the renovations to Rotary Park.
July 9- Jim Sak will provide the history of Rotary Park
July 23- Tom Shelder- Member Forum
The Rotary Club of Elk Rapids Birthday
The 75th Anniversary Year will begin July 1. We plan to hold a year long celebration with various events. Are you interested in helping craft some fun activities? We need your creativity!
Meeting Responsibilities
for June 11, 2024
Morning Meeting Chair: Blaine Campbell
Greeter: Pam Forton
Sergeant At Arms: Ed Boettcher
Reflection Quote: Julia Pollister-Amos
Happy Dollars: Blaine Campbell
In early June, a team of past presidents met to discuss a succession plan for officers of The Elk Rapids Rotary Club. Dale Gehman will soon be sworn in as President, while Ed Boettcher will move into the position of President Elect. Doug Van Cura, former morning chair has graciously agreed to serve as President Nominee. The Rotary Club of Elk Rapids is in good hands moving forward.