Launch to Leadership
At last Tuesday's meeting Bill Donberg brought the club up to speed regarding a youth project that he and Norm Velliquette hatched with the help of Elk Rapids Public Schools. Paul Wanicott described how cohorts of 7th through 12th grade students get special leadership training and experiences over a 6-week period, with the goal of bringing out leadership qualities and interest in the participants. Supt. Brian McKenna also spoke, and Julie Brown attended showing her support as well. All in all it's an impressive effort that has grown purely from the efforts of local people with no precedent to follow on this. 
Library Project Pledge Update
The Good Works Committee will meet next Tuesday from 8-10am at the new library site to consider the Library's request for a $100,000 pledge. It's a chance to discuss details and ask questions, and attendance is not limited to committee members. 
Officers for 2024-2025
President - Dale Gehman
President Elect - Ed Boettcher
President Nominee - Doug VanCura
Secretary - Julia Pollister-Amos
Treasurer - Laura Savoie
Upcoming Meetings
October 1 - Social
October 8 - Jim Sak, History of Rotary Park
October 15 - Tom Shelder Member Forum
October 22 - Tentative Bob Chapalkar Safari
October 29 - Networking
Meeting Responsibilities 
Morning Meeting Chair 
Ed Boettcher
Pam Williams
Sargent At Arms
Mel Matchett
Reflection Quote
Keith Termaat
Happy Dollars
Ed Boettcher
Roadside Cleanup
What a crew! Last Saturday we had a great turnout for the roadside cleanup. Thank you to all who spent some of their morning keeping our community looking good.
We finished in about 45 minutes, which is probably a record. In fact, is was over so early, Bill Donberg didn't even get to finish the story he was telling me about his joining the OSU lacrosse team. 
Grant Seminar Update
A big thanks to Keith Termaat for stepping up to help the club by becoming our second grant-certified member. Keith spent a couple of hours learning online about the requirements for District Matching Grants, and now our club is eligible to apply for some, and we already have some in the works. Thanks Keith for taking the training. 
2024-2025 is the 75th Anniversary Year of our club.  We plan to have snippets of history shared with members and some creative activities.
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