Our Tuesday, March 12 meeting will feature a panel of representatives on Food Insecurity. Joining us will be Taylor Moore, Food Rescue of Northwest Michigan; Rachael Cougler, Coordinator Northwest Michigan Food Coalition; Christina Barkel, Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities and Kathleen Rhodes, Advocate. Rotarian, Carol Hockin, will introduce the panel.
Upcoming Meetings
March 19 Lou Gamalski and Pam Lynch, Harm Reduction Michigan along with Kevin Hoch, Antrim Sheriff will discuss the opioid crisis in Northern Michigan @FPChurch
March 26 Blaine Campbell Member Forum Happy Camper Coffee
April 16 Judy Parliament, Director of Council on Aging
Meeting Responsibilities
for March 12, 2024
Morning Meeting Chair: Blaine Campbell
Greeter: Jim Hockin
Attendance: Julia Pollister-Amos
Sergeant At Arms: Mel Matchett
Reflection Quote: Julia Pollister-Amos
Happy Dollars: Blaine Campbell
Polio Plus
Rotary is a pioneer in the fight against polio with efforts starting in 1978 with a very ambitious goal to reach a polio-free world. Please consider becoming a member of District 6290 Polio Plus Society by contacting Kathy Hegedus atkathyh@ridistrict6290.org......
Chart provided by Traverse City Rotary Club.
A huge thank you to First Presbyterian Church for the use of their facilities and to Nancy Wonch, Jim Porter and Jim Nothoff for providing zoom opportunities.