If customers cannot come to the BBQ, they can pre-order a take-out Party Pack and pick it up at the BBQ site on Saturday, August 3 from 11 am to 4 pm. Select the button for more info and to order.
Sargent At Arms
Mel Matchett Reflection Quote
Judy Brummeler
Happy Dollars
Ed Boettcher
President's Message
If you were wondering about the impact of our club's participation in the Life Leadership Conference for high school students. you saw several excellent examples at this morning's meeting of what the experience has meant for these future leaders. We heard from three participants and the parents of two more for their first-hand accounts. We also saw a video done by staff at the event, and even heard from the current National Cherry Fesitval queen, who had attended sponsored by our club, on how it has helped her.
Then, to top it off, we learned that Joe Yuchasz, who we lost in 2023, was also an LLC participant. Bottom line? It is a great thing for our club to back.
District Governor Alert!
District Governor Brianna Scott will join us for the August 6th morning meeting. I would personally encourage everyone to attend, both out of respect for the position, but also because I've heard Brianna speak and I know we're in for an energetic and fun time.
Thank you to all of the volunteers and helpers for our annual BBQ. Let's hope for good weather and a hungry crowd!
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2024-2025 is the 75th Anniversary Year of our club. We plan to have snippets of history shared with members and some creative activities.