Join us for our regular Tuesday Breakfast Meeting at Happy Camper Coffee. Judy Parliament, Director of Antrim County Commission on Aging will share an overview of what the council provides to our community. The commission has the goal to unify the planning and operating efforts of public and private agencies involved in the delivery of services designed for the elderly and to devise methods for securing available resources to accomplish this end. Mel Matchett will introduce Judy.
Upcoming Meetings
April 16 Judy Parliament, Director of Commission on Aging @ Happy Camper Coffee
April 23 Bob Strehl, Member Forum @Happy Camper Coffee
April 30 Social TBD
May 7 Club Meeting at First Presbyterian Church
May 14 Chad Honeycutt- Executive Director of Chamber
May 14 Board Meeting at 8:15 a.m.
May 21 Marianne Burrows and Aaron Timlin from The Chalfonte Foundation will provide an update on plans for the historic Elk Rapids Cinema: The breakfast meeting will be held at the Cinema
Mark Your Calendars!
Important All Member Vote on Several Issues May 7. Agenda items will include a vote to increase the Rotary International Dues with Club Dues remaining the same, a vote to approve desks for students in Malawi Africa in the amount of $6,000 and a report from the fundraising committee.
Meeting Responsibilities
for April 16, 2024
Morning Meeting Chair: Blaine Campbell
Greeter: Pam Forton
Attendance: Julia Pollister-Amos
Sergeant At Arms: Ed Boettcher
Reflection Quote: Julia Pollister-Amos
Happy Dollars: Blaine Campbell
The Honor Roll Committee has finalized recommendations for 2024. Candidates will be presented to the Board on May 14 with a rollout to the membership at a later date. Additional information will follow according to Jim Sak.
Can’t make it out at 7:00 am? Try the zoom option with or without video. Zoom in your pj’s in the comfort of your home.