Paula Jorge and Bill Donberg hosted a meeting with the club's board at the future home of the ER Library this week to hear from Rotarians in San Antonio about how they helped on the capital campaign for a museum in their town. Reports say the session was well attended, lively, and thorough. This is another step as the board is considering what role our club might play in the fundraising effort to turn a former manufacturing facility into a new showpiece for our community. The Good Works Committee has already given its stamp of approval as a worthy use of our funds. Stay tuned for more as plans are fleshed out.
September 10 - Bill Hefferan, Antrim County Jail update
September 17 - Mark Davidson Member Forum
September 24- Launch to Leadership
October 1 - Social
2024-2025 is the 75th Anniversary Year of our club. We plan to have snippets of history shared with members and some creative activities.
Harbor Days BBQ Recovery
Rounding Down!
Meeting Responsibilities
Morning Meeting Chair
Ed Boettcher
Nancy Wonch
Sargent At Arms
Mel Matchett Reflection Quote
Julia Pollister-Amos
Happy Dollars
Ed Boettcher
President's Message
Those brave souls who attended this week's meeting at the Rotary Park pavilion earned both a great view of the setting Super Moon as well as a beautiful sunrise, which seems a fair trade for having to endure 50 degree weather. And, although Jim Sak admonished us all to not look at the reinstalled Elk Rapids Rotary Club Honor Roll pavers, many did and commented on how nice they look again.
Fundraising Effort
Ed and I presented the plan for the new fundraising campaign, set to start after Labor Day, to the club members. There were a lot of good questions, and a general feeling of "This is doable; let's get going." in the air, which leaves me very optimistic for the outcome.
Our hope is to have a unified approach to fundraising, particularly as it applies to asking for help from the community. Our aspiration is that each Rotarian will work to get $1,000 in donations through a combination of community donations (friends, family, business connections, etc) as well as personal donations. This is a goal, and not a mandate, and there's no plan to publicly list member's results. We all contribute in different ways, and we all know each of us has different circumstances, but it's also how we'll fund the good we do, which is why we're here.
Ed stressed that this year's campaign in particular will be a work in progress, but we'll work through the sticking points and develop this into a plan that allows us to do amazing things!