11- 4 pm
BBQ Meal with a Round-up for Rotary donation option
Customers can pay on site, create a meal, then enjoy eating under our tent.
Pulled pork or chicken sandwich
BBQ sauce
Select the button below for more info.
If customers cannot come to the BBQ, they can pre-order a take-out Party Pack and pick it up at the BBQ site on Saturday, August 3 from 11 am to 4 pm. Select the button for more info and to order.
Officers for 2024-2025
President - Dale Gehman
President Elect - Ed Boettcher
President Nominee - Doug VanCura
Secretary - Julia Pollister-Amos
Treasurer - Laura Savoi
Upcoming Meetings
  • July16 - Networking time
  • July 23 - Social at Townline Cider/ Masala Magic by Anita
  • July 30 - Tentative LLC Participants
  • August 3 - Rotary BBQ
  • August 6 - DG Brianna Scott
  • August 13- Pam Williams: Library Update
  • August 20 - open
Meeting Responsibilities 
Morning Meeting Chair 
Ed Boettcher
Sargent At Arms
 Mel Matchett
Reflection Quote
Nancy Wonch
Happy Dollars
Ed Boettcher
President's Message
This past Tuesday's meeting was our first of many planned without a program that allowed for members to just talk and catch up. If the decibel level was any indication, that was well received, with several lively discussions in the room.  Note: On 7/23 we will be enjoying the Social at Townline Cider and Anita's great cooking instead of a morning meeting. Thanks to Sherry for organizing this. See you there!
Board Meeting Report
Our club's new board tackled a full agenda Tuesday with enthusiasm. We discussed preliminary budget numbers for the fiscal year, and with Camille's input voted to approve new member Dr. Carlo Dall'Olmo, and his wife Deneil Dall'Olmo as a partner member. Ed updated us on plans for the annual club fundraising effort, and the board approved moving forward with that.
We briefly discussed the fact that donations for the donuts at meetings are not covering costs, and I asked for volunteers to take charge of preparation for our club's 75th Anniversary. If you're fun, energetic, open to new ideas, enthusiastic, and creative, have we got the job for you!
Lastly, Paula and Bill pitched having the club contribute to the ER Public Library campaign to fund the new building. That's been referred to Good Works for now while a plan is formulated.  
Special thank yous to Laura Savoie and Jim Notoff for their budget numbers, and to Sherry for keeping minutes for us.
2024-2025 is the 75th Anniversary Year of our club.  We plan to have snippets of history shared with members and some creative activities.
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