 The Rotary Club of Elk Rapids
Next Meeting
January 16, at 7 am
Happy Camper Coffee Co.

Our upcoming Tuesday , January 16 meeting will be held at Happy Camper Coffee with local resident Tim Hibbard, providing us with an update on our Robotics Program within the Elk Rapids Schools.  

We were recently informed that we were able to raise $11,213.72 for The Salvation Army.  This is only $100.00 less than last year.  Thank you all for your help.
Upcoming Meetings
  • January 23 Club Business
  • January 30 Food Coalition, Food Rescue and Food Insecurity
  • January 30 First Social of the Year at Pearl's (Details coming soon from Sherry)
  • February 6 Dale Gehman-Member Forum
  • February 13 TBD
  • February 20 Club Business
  • February 27 TBD
-Continued Board at Work
  • The Rock-A-Thon raised $16,952.55.  
  • After months of deliberation, the board has voted unanimously to request a refund from Munson Healthcare Foundations  for $25,000 paid from our club from 2018-2023 in increments of $5,000 each to provide money for the Maternity, NICU and Pediatric Units. 

    Our board learned back in the late summer that the  entire birthing center project is on hold due to increased costs. The board of RCER asked for specific detail of how our monies would be used moving forward in regard to purchasing equipment.  We were advised  that while $2,250,00 has been budgeted  for construction costs, replacing windows, flooring and creating more space in the NICU for very ill babies, no timelines for implementation were provided.  

    Also, an additional $582,000 has been budgeted for equipment including Ultrasound for triage, new adjustable lighting and fetal monitoring carts for each of the rooms in maternity, but again no timelines. 
    We do know that all purchased equipment will later  be moved to the Family Birth and Children's Center once the project is complete.  

    The current thinking of the board is that the $25,00 could be placed in a CD earning interest with the idea that later  we might consider a 6290 grant request inviting the five county areas to participate, thus multiplying our impact to the Munson Healthcare Foundation.  The board is interested in your feedback on our vote to refund.  Please let me know your thoughts before the club meeting on January 23, where a discussion will be held with the membership.

Meeting Responsibilities for January 16, 2024

Morning Meeting Chair:
Blaine Campbell
Julia Pollister-Amos
Sergeant At Arms:
Ed Boettcher
Reflection Quotes: 
Julia Pollister-Amos 
Happy Dollars:
Blaine Campbell
We need volunteers to begin helping shape the structure of our fundraising events.  Ed Boettcher has agreed to lead a team to explore how to connect our existing fundraisers and how we can better solicit community members ( business and personal)  A tentative meeting is scheduled in the afternoon on January 17 with details to follow.  Please advise your availability and willingness to attend this meeting.     
Your Board at Work! 
We have been working on the following:
  • Approval of $200 to support Olivia Medler, president of Interact Club in her travels with other 6290 interactors on a mission trip to El Salvador.
  • Agreement that Ed Boettcher will chair a committee to look at fundraising structure.  See above.
  • Presentation of a draft document by Jim N. regarding the use of Ad Hoc Decision-Making Groups to assist with selection of  PHF Candidates, Member Surveys, NMC Scholarships, Special Honor Roll , Because of the Water/Rotary Park, etc.  Good discussion followed with hope of prevention of single committee member burn out. 
  • Discussion and clarification of use of club foundation points vs individual points in order to nominate persons for PHF.  Bob C and Gary C will work on a brief to better inform the membership.
  • Presentation of our financial status by Laura S.  The club is in good financial shape and documents from Quickbooks are easily  pulled.  
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