Our club has more than 60 members, who mostly have business and professional backgrounds. Routinely, members attend either a morning (7-8 am) meeting or an evening meeting (5:30 pm-7 pm) on Tuesdays. In the winter, often we replace the evening meeting with one at mid-day (1-2 pm)
The evening meetings usually feature a guest speaker, sharing of information regarding member and club activities and singing a few songs. Mid-day and morning meetings tend to be briefer, due to business obligations.
Our club is not a stickler for perfect meeting attendance (although many Rotary clubs are). However, frequent attendance is preferred and regular participation in club activities is expected.
Our club was chartered on June 9, 1950 with 29 charter members. Over the years, we have been a leading proponent for beneficial projects in Elk Rapids, such as creating the Lower Harbor on Grand Traverse Bay, restoring the Elk Rapids Town Hall, and creating picnic pavilion at Rotary Park on Elk River, to name just a few
Each year, we raise funds by riding rocking chairs.
Our float for Elk Rapids Harbor Days
We do service projects for our community.